I've been contemplating starting a new blog for a while...because my family blog and photography blog don't make me feel enough like a failure at keeping up with things. Why not add one more? I figured this new one doesn't require me to post a gazillion photos so there's less to deal with. Right? And I can post as little or as often as I like. Really, this is just a place for me to ramble a little bit about random things that happen in this life of mine. Most of which involve my two little hot pink diva daughters. And wine. Red wine, in case you're wondering.
For those of you who don't know me, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Anne. I am a mommy to two amazing little girls--Ayla (two months away from turning 5) and Aubree (2 1/2). Just to keep things simple, here's the easiest way to remember who is who: Ayla=princess who requires every. little. thing. to be just so; and Aubree=tornado who doesn't give a shiiiit. Two entirely different little human beings...but equally fabulous.
I've been married to Dean since 2005...together since 2000. He works his ass off to provide for our family and most importantly, he puts up with me. He, too often, talks me off the mommy-meltdown ledge. He knows when to send me to Target on my own, when to pour me a glass of wine, and when to just leave me alone before he risks losing one of his man parts.
And then there's me. Sigh. There's not a lot of ME when you have children, as all of you parents know. Every second of every day is devoted to them, especially when they're still itty-bitty. I love my family. Please remember this as we venture through this new blog. I. Love. My. Family. They are my heart and soul. That said, I can also be a very sarcastic person, so keep this in mind as well. I'm positive most, if not all, of my ramblings will involve my kids and hubby and how I can't stand them. Kidding. Kind of.
I work part-time at my family's restaurant. Twelve hours a week, to be exact. Twelve glorious hours where I don't have to wipe anyone's ass or cut fourteen grapes into ninety-seven little pieces. So I guess I get the best of both worlds. I work just a few hours a day and the rest of the time, I get to be with my babies. And even better, my parents watch them while I'm at work.
My other part-time job is taking pictures of other peoples' kids. This cute little hobby of mine kind of spiraled out of control last year...mostly because I have problems telling people "no." I wised up this year and put a limit on the number of sessions I will do per month. It's much more manageable this way and I no longer hate life.
I love wine and I've discovered that it tastes better in a mason jar. Doesn't everything? I'm, by no means, a wine connoisseur...not even close, in fact...but I do know what flavors I like and I stick to those flavors. Do I have a glass every night? Pretty much. Does everyone I know know that I love wine? Absolutely. Do some people think that I talk about wine too much? Yep. Do I care? Nope. I have a glass every night...two if my kids really sucked that day. I see no harm in this. I see it as necessary. Judge if you must.
I crave alone time. Which is hilarious when you have young children because you can't do anything alone. Again, I love my kids, but I also love it when they're in bed at 8:00 p.m. Every night, I find myself staying up past midnight knowing that I'll have to be up early the next morning. Why do I do this? Because this is the only time I can give to myself without taking away time from my girls. Time to have my own thoughts. Time to do anything uninterrupted. Time to do whatever I choose. Time to be me. I need this time. This time is vital in keeping myself somewhat sane. I know I only have two kids and there are plenty of people in this world who have more and seem to handle it with much more grace and much less swearing than I do with my two...but hey, what are you gonna do?
So anyway.
Hello. :)
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